
Here is where you will find a collection of my work, both published and amateur. In the event of published work everything will be the edited, final product. All credit to publishers will be given with each article.

Angie Bray Interview

Here is an interview I conducted with MP for Ealing, Angie Bray.

Angie Bray Interview


Double Review- Let It Go by Demi Lovato, and We Remain by Christina Aguilera

I’m going to start my first official guest review by thanking my good friend, Pondewaywayway. As you’ll soon find out, we have differing tastes in music, but we do overlap sometimes, and it’s all for the better for all of us. You get the occasional dose of weirdness and miscellany from me, and Ponde, as I call him, will bring you his regular mix of, well, whatever he writes about. (It’s classical and Caribbean, right?)



Despite already scoring hits last year with ‘Black Heart’ and debut single ‘Love Me’, BRIT and MOBO nominated trio, Stooshe have teased fans by postponing the release of their debut album, London With The Lights On. However, It has definitely been worth the wait.

Review- London with the Lights On


This was an article which I wrote for Opportunities4Women, a website aimed at helping women advance in business and offer tips and tricks on ways to climb the career ladder. The site is part of the Square Peg Media publishing house, which is why I was tasked with writing for it. The final version features an added introduction by the editor to adapt the work for the target audience. Here is that final version, as can be seen on the website.

More men than women are using LinkedIn, 46% of users are women, according to internetserviceproviders.org. Are we missing a trick? Are you logged on to LinkedIn but are not sure if you’re making the most of it? Check out our ten tips for boosting the power of your profile…


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